San Francisco Integrative Massage
San Francisco Integrative Massage provides one-stop access to both pain relief and functional movement. Living with pain and dysfunction is not a mantra to live by. We work to resolve your pain with cutting-edge treatment approaches that not only get you out of pain and functional but move you beyond to enable you to attain improved health and greater well-being.
Our Services

Active Release Techniques® (ART®) is a hands-on touch therapy administered by trained...
Active Release Techniques® (ART®) is a hands-on touch therapy administered by trained professionals to assess and treat soft-tissue injuries. Soft tissue refers primarily to muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Specific injuries that a practitioner will address... Read More

P-DTR is a revolutionary neuromuscular treatment method that addresses a largely...
P-DTR is a revolutionary neuromuscular treatment method that addresses a largely overlooked system of the body: the proprioceptive system. The proprioceptor system gives our brain information about what’s going on inside and outside of our body... Read More

Anatomy in Motion™ (AiM™) explores the moving human body in the normal gait cycle. It is...
Anatomy in Motion™ (AiM™) explores the moving human body in the normal gait cycle. It is a comprehensive gait analysis system and movement therapy that addresses imbalances joint-by-joint and as a whole... Read More

Through gentle manual muscle tests, a P-DTR® practitioner determines if muscles...
Through gentle manual muscle tests, a P-DTR® practitioner determines if muscles are inhibited or not functioning properly. Dysfunctions can be in muscle, tendons, ligaments, fascia, organs, and... Read More
Our Reviews
We are proud to have many happy clients who have experienced significant levels of pain relief, physical rehabilitation, dysfunction elimination, improved well-being, and more! Without saying more, read their words for yourself: